Cultivation of Passion Fruits today represents one of the agricultural export markets of importance to Colombia. In fact, exports could increase significantly in the coming years taking advantage of the various free trade agreements that Colombia has signed, especially with the European Union.
LST has a portfolio of solutions to the main problems present in these crops and has developed management technology packages based on biological products, which ensure compliance with the highest standards of quality and innocuity required by the international markets. Produce clean with us and ensure the success of its products in the domestic and international market.
Damping-Off, Botrytis, Cladosporium, Bacteriosis, Mites, Thrips, Aphids, White Flies, Grubs, Nematodes, Rooting.
Solutions for Passion Fruits
AgroExperto SC, AgroGuard WG, AgroNova WG, BioExpert SC, DeepGreen SC, EcoTerra WG, FoliGuard WG, Nemata SC, Successor SC